Saturday, September 11, 2010


So Matthew and Hannah left to Delaware today to see Matthews dad.

Trevor called George and told him Happy Birthday. He did not sound good on the phone.

It hasn't been REAL to me until today, that we are losing George. He will be going to be with Jesus sooner than we want.

Now I get all the statements, and know what I need to think and feel. "It is all in God's time", "God has a plan for it all", "Everyone has to die sometime (though this one is very rude)", " Be thankful he knows Jesus", and on and on and on. Why cant people say "It is ok to cry", "It is ok to be mad, Tell God that you are mad!!", and just let you feel like crap sometimes, not that i want to feel like crap but when your heart hurts, those fluffy saying dont help, you have to feel the hurt and work through it. You have to be able to cry and be mad and sad and irritated and everything, and get through those to really heal.

So as much as I love Jesus, and I know George loves Jesus and I know he will go to Heaven when he does pass on, it doesnt take the sadness away. The here and now sadness that he wont be here with us anymore.

I just cherish every day the Lord still lets George be with us and and thankful and honored to be his daughter-in-law because he is an amazing man of God, and his strength and courage and inspiring.


  1. Amen!! It sorrows us to see George suffering like he is. He played such an important role in our walk. We love you guys...please know we pray for you all daily.
    Love, Julie

  2. That is the thing I am struggling with the most, someone so wonderful suffering so horribly. It just makes me sick, and sad and mad...... and everything..... grr.

  3. I don't mind the comments of others unless they are making criticisms or judgments about tough choices that I'm forced to make. I feel so overwhelmed with tragedy that I sort of feel numb so it doesn't matter much what people say with regard to comfort or fluff.

    I care the most about what I say to George but don't know if I'm saying the right things. I just put John 3:16 on his birthday note because that's the verse that gives me the most comfort when I'm suffering. Anyhow--hope I don't ever cause you & Matthew more pain with my words. I care very much about you and your family.

    Aunt Lavonne

  4. Good point Aunt Lavonne! And I agree about what to say to George, Matthew and I were just talking about that the other day. It is hard!

    You have never said anything hurtful, and anyways I try to not take it personal when someone does, because I know they do mean well, but sometimes words are not helpful.

    A lady at church said the perfect words last night, I told her how George is doing and she listened, gave me a hug and said "Oh, thats so hard." and thats it!! No fluff. lol.

    Anyways we love all our family and friends and appreciate the love and support, and I know everyone means well.
