Thursday, December 16, 2010


I havent not posted a blog in a while. Ya know why? Because every waking moment has been filled with kids, hubby, house and crochet. I am a bit overwhelmed but I am thankful that God is blessing my hobby so much! It is exciting and tiring.

I am enjoying coming up with new items to make too.

Trevor seems to be still doing great at school, getting 100% on everything he brings home. Smarty Pants. I am just thankful he loves school. I hope it never leaves him.

Hannah.... well she is sassy and sweet. I cant wait for her to be in school because I know she is a bit bored with me all day.

We are excited for Christmas coming up!!

Oh yeah and my dad is coming to visit in March!! First time my dad and sisters will have been here to see us, so I am VERY excited about that! Also excited that they will get to go to church with us too :-D Since my church is so rad :-D

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