Thursday, December 2, 2010


Bullies suck!

I hate the fact that my son is in kindergarten and he is getting bullied. I mean come on, you are FIVE years old little boy, you are not supposed to bully.

When I was 5 everyone got along with everyone.

I vowed that if Trevor got bullied and it wasn't stopped by the school that we would homeschool.

Mr. Hall is jumping right on it though and taking steps to ensure that this will be over. He is the BEST teacher that I have ever seen. He is sharp and on the ball, he does not tolerate any kind of picking on or bullying.

I want to be mad at the kid and I want to tell Trevor to punch the kid in the face but I know that is not the answer. The issue most always stems from the parents. Either they are not there for the kid or they work too much or something. There is some reason that he feels the need to pick on my sweet son.
It is not horrible bullying but if this kid doesn't get stopped now while he is 5/6 it will only get worse as he gets older.

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