Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Well let’s start this year with Trevor!
Trevor started Kindergarten this year. We had every intention of homeschooling but really felt the Lord leading us to public school, so I nervously obeyed. It was the best decision we could have ever made. He LOVES school. If he is sick, he gets upset with me that he has to miss a day. His teacher Mr. Hall is AMAZING!!!! He is the best teacher I have encountered yet. Trevor was nervous at the start of school; he would not talk to Mr. Hall or answer questions. Now he talks and answers question, Mr. Hall said Trevor is the first one to raise his hand to answer now and that he always has the right answer. I know it’s just kindergarten but he is scoring all 100’s on his homework and on his report cards and testing. He is one smart cookie!

Hannah had to adjust to life without Trevor during the day. We go to the gym, which is her favorite thing, and we play here at home and work on some “school” during the day. She is picking up on a lot of Trevor’s sight words and stuff that we work on with him. She is sassy sassy sassy too! She is such a tomboy and so girlie at the same time. She LOVES dresses and would gladly pass up getting toys if she could get a new dress. She also LOVES to play trucks. She is such a love and has an endless supply of hugs and kisses. She is very shy but give her 10 minutes tops with you and she will not be able to shut her words off. Talk talk talk .

Matthew……. Hmmm…… What to say about Mr. Todd. He is AMAZING! I love this man more and more each day. He is still working hard at Todd Piano Works and doing great! He is also teaching piano now and has a good amount of students. He also plays the piano at a church on Sundays and Wednesdays. So basically anything to do with pianos, he does it. Little known fact, he is also really good with woodworking. It is his hobby in the winter here when it is colder. He built Trevor a train table to Christmas and it is very cool! This year Matthew lost his dad to pancreatic cancer. It broke my heart to see my husband’s heart broken. We were just so thankful for all the prayers of our friends and family because the peace we felt and still feel over losing George is too great for words. God really gave us His peace that passes all understanding. We are thankful that George is now with Jesus and no longer suffering. Though he died way too young, he loved Jesus and he we know we will see him again.

Now me. I don’t like to talk about myself. I am mommy, wife, housekeeper, chef……and on and on. I love it and I am so thankful that Matthew is willing to work so hard so that I can stay home and keep up the house and raise our kids. It is such a blessing to me to not have to put our kids in daycare. I love it. I also have gracefully bowed out of having a photography business. I still do pictures for friends and sometime their friends, but I was losing the joy and love for photography doing it as a business. I am keeping it a hobby, and finally I LOVE doing it again. It is one of my passions. I also crochet and make hats for people. It is really fun and I have gotten kind of good at it.

We have been going to for going on 2 years now. I remember the first time we went there; it was so huge, I was nervous, and then we walked in and people helped us out, showed us where to go and were so kind. The blessing for me was this: when we first went there were 3 photographers there that took a lot of the church pictures, and I thought that I wouldn’t have a place there with my pictures……boy was I wrong!! I now do all of the baptism pictures each week. There are baptisms just about every week! Anyways I take pictures of each person getting baptized and then upload them to the net for them to download. I also do pictures of volunteers and church functions. It’s really fun!
Anyways, the church is amazing, the people are fantastic and the music and message are always on point. They are current, and you walk away each week changed. The care groups are also very awesome!

We LOVE our church and that is a great blessing to us this year and every year.

We hope that everyone has an amazing Christmas, and remember why we celebrate. Love to everyone from the Todd Clan.

I left out the most important part!! Matthew and I got baptized this year at New Hope Church, and we were baptized together! It was such a great day! New Hope has really been a life changer for us. God is so good!

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