Wednesday, July 7, 2010

One man

I was thinking last night, actually praising Jesus for finally falling in love with him. Anyways My mind went back to my grandpa.
My grandpa was an amazing man. He lived a great life, he loved Jesus, he loved his family and his church, he wasn't legalistic, he just had a love for Jesus that shined out of him. My grandpa had over 20 grandkids, and he reached out and tried to bring all of them to church, he shared his faith and he planted seeds in all of us. That brought him joy, and I am sure all he could hope was someday those seeds he planted would grow into a love for Jesus.
If it wasn't for my grandpa I would not be at this point in my life today, it is all because my grandpa planted that seed in me, by his words and by his actions. He didnt get to see his efforts come to fruition, but I dont think he worried about that, he knew that he did his part and God would do the rest. and God did!!

Ok I am not a good writer but my point for this is that God can use just one willing man or woman to change a life, to change many lives. You CAN make a difference, and if you make a difference in just one persons life, your efforts were worth it! If you love Jesus, you need to let people know! Show it in your actions, but I think more important, your words. You never know who may come to know Him due to you sharing your faith.

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