Thursday, August 5, 2010


Ok so the kids are in swimming lessons at the gym.

The first day, they hated it.

The second day they got a little better, and today they did AWESOME!!

I was watching them so closely when they were jumping in to the pool. They were scared at first. I mean, leaping into the arms of a perfect stranger in a pool of water is a big thing. Even leaping to me who they know was scary.

The cool thing for me was when that thing finally clicked in their head and they jumped and LOVED it!! They felt free and fun! Well thats how I feel in Christ. I was a little timid at first. I didnt know thing whole "God thing" was something I could jump in to. I hesitated often, I tested the waters a bit and then I finally jumped with both feet into the pool. I feel in Christ like my kids felt jumping into the pool. So excited and free, yet safe and secure knowing someone is there to catch you.

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