Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lot's Wipeout

First of all, watch the service at under the archived services, it will be the most recent one. I think they post it after Tuesday.

Life Lessons from Lot's wipeout
1) What you do in transition matters.
"You dont get in a car wreck or get a speeding ticket at home or at work, you get it in transition, from one place to the other"
Life can be tricky in the transitions

Genesis 13:7-11

2) Watch where you pitch your tents

Genesis 13:12-13

3) Make things right when you have a chance

Jude 7

Genesis 19:17-20
Genesis 19:30

4) Your decisions always effect others

Genesis 19:23-26

Luke 17:32


It was an excellent message! I hope everyone watches it. It is always nice to learn from others mistakes so that you dont have to do it yourself to learn from it.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Ok so I think my most favorite thing to do/place to be is on top of prayer mountain at church during sunset.
I love the sunset.
God is such an amazing artist, the sunset is never the same!
I just love sitting there, all I can hear is the breeze, marveling in God's creation....... He is AMAZING!
Anyways, I am in awe of my fantabulous wonderful sweet Jesus!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I am watching the sermon series toxic. It is a real eye opener.

I am going to have to watch it again.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Boundries with Kids

We are doing this excellent study in Care Group. It is called Boundries with Kids.

Well it has been great so far. The videos are a little cheesy, but the points they make on childrearing are excellent.

One thing they said yesterday in the video was to make sure you children know, they can't always control their emotions but they can always control their behavior. So sure something makes them mad, it is ok to be mad, but it is not ok to hit right........ You know, some adults dont get that concept.
They think because this person did something that caused them to be upset that it is ok to hurt that person or someone else because they are upset.
My kids need to learn this lesson as well. We have been working hard at it.
It is tough to get.

I have been telling Trevor, when he gets mad and hits the wall, that it is ok to be mad and feel irritated, but it is not ok to hit the wall, you can use your words and talk about how your feeling, you dont have to show it with your body. He is starting to get it. The other day he growled and said IM MAD!! and walked off and that was the end of it. I would deem that a success.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hannah Banana

Hannah always says the weirdest things!!

Hannah said today that her tooth is going to fall out and that she is going to then grow into an adult tooth fairy and she wont freak out when she has to fly!!

I Love Her!

Friday, August 13, 2010


I have been feeling lousy the last few weeks. I mean lousy!!
But life goes on, I still have to cook and clean and care for the kids and do everything like normal. I start to get whiney and resentful.

Then I remember that I am just having allergy stuff. Dizzy and sore throat, all the stuff I have right now is nothing in comparison with what some people i love are going through right now. I am not battling cancer, fighting for custody of my kids, being addicted to drugs, being homeless...... my life could be worse and how I feel physically could be worse.

So I have this no whining philosophy to life now.
There is always someone worse off than me, and what good does whining do anyways? Does it fix or change anything?? NO!!! IT just irritates people!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Christian Atheist

So I am starting this book called "The Christian Atheist" by Craig Greoschel. "Believing in God but Living as If He Doesn't Exist" is the tag line. It is a superb book!

One chapter in the book that has been such a struggle for so many years with me was, "When you believe in God but don't really know Him." For so long that was me. Until recently. I know a lot of loved ones are now in the same boat and I pray hard for them. "Belief isn't the same as personal knowledge" is one of the statement in the book. Knowing about a person and really knowing them are soooo different and it is that way with God too. "Even the demons believe in God, there is more to the whole christian thing than just believing in God."

Some other chapters I am getting in to are

When you believe in God but are ashamed of your past

When you believe in God but arent sure He loves you

When you believe in God but not in prayer

When you believe in God but dont think He is fair

When you believe in God but wont forgive

When you believe in God but dont think you can change

When you believe in God but still worry all the time

When you believe in God but pursue happiness at any cost

When you believe in God but trust more in money

When you believe in God but dont share your faith

When you believe in God but not in His church

So as you can see, this book is deep. It is so easy to read and understand though. It is straightforward and will likely hurt a bit when you read it but hopefully it will transform your life!! It is quite the eye opener so far. I hope to have more to add as i keep reading.

My Kid (one of them)

So Trevor is a nut! I love him. He knows what he likes and he goes for it! He wears what he likes, he is himself all the time. I just pray that he never loses that confident sense of self. I pray that he never conforms to this world. I pray that he never sacrifices him, to be like everyone else. I pray that he does well this first year of school and every year after. I pray that he has friends and gets good grades, that he learns and grows. I pray that he loves school and learning.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Ok so the kids are in swimming lessons at the gym.

The first day, they hated it.

The second day they got a little better, and today they did AWESOME!!

I was watching them so closely when they were jumping in to the pool. They were scared at first. I mean, leaping into the arms of a perfect stranger in a pool of water is a big thing. Even leaping to me who they know was scary.

The cool thing for me was when that thing finally clicked in their head and they jumped and LOVED it!! They felt free and fun! Well thats how I feel in Christ. I was a little timid at first. I didnt know thing whole "God thing" was something I could jump in to. I hesitated often, I tested the waters a bit and then I finally jumped with both feet into the pool. I feel in Christ like my kids felt jumping into the pool. So excited and free, yet safe and secure knowing someone is there to catch you.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I Love You!

Say it loud and say it proud!

Not just to your spouse, but if you love someone, let them know. Say "I Love You", or "Love Ya" or anything like that. I think it means so much to hear the words.

Sure, you can say i love you with your actions, you can hug, you can provide for, take care of, and whatnot but it means more than you would ever know to hear it said.

If you are a man, do not EVER think it is not manly to say I love you to your son, or daughter for that matter. Saying I love you to your kids is so important. No matter how old they are. I am 25 and my dad says I love you to me every single phone conversation we have. It means a lot. Something about the dad and kids that is special, so to hear I love you from daddy means a lot.

If you were brought up not saying it, BREAK THE CYCLE!! Dont keep that going....make it stop with you. Tell your kids you love them all the time. Tell everyone you love that you love them, often.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I hate cancer. I think it is the most horrible thing in the world. I hate that anyone gets it but especially people I love.It breaks my heart to see them suffer